Friday, December 20, 2013

Christmas Trunk Show at HSalon in Fairfield, CT

Salon H Christmas Trunk Show

Me at the Salon H Trunk Show
Daughter Erica wearing Houjeanies
Marisa, the owner of Salon H, was nice enough to ask me to display Houjeanies at a trunk show at her beauty salon.  I set up my display in a lively, raucous place.  There were people getting their hair done- After all, this is a salon.  As a matter of fact, Marisa gave me a free wash and blow dry so I would look stellar at the show.  I got a lot of compliments on my hairdo.  My friend, Diane and my daughter, Erica were there to help me that night. There were many people interested in Houjeanies.  It was a great night.  I can feel an elevated interest in my product after tonight.
Salon H person wearing my houjeanies

ITVFest- West Dover, Vermont

My booth at the Fest
The ITVFest- Film Festival
This event began seven years ago in Los Angeles, but in September of 2013, it was moved to Vermont.  The Fall weather was beautiful, the trees at their height of color.  The Festival lured filmmakers to the Deerfield River Valley from all over the world wielding films from short TV shows and documentaries to full length films.  I was one of the few vendors who hawked my wares to festival goers.  My friend, Colleen, helped me set up the booth and even lent me various things from her house- like rugs, tables and bowls.  When it was set up, this is the way my booth looked.  There was a festive atmosphere over the three day festival.  There were of course a profusion and variety of films to see in seven venues scattered throughout the valley.  There were really good bands that played around the clock. Lots of good food was served in various places.  The organizers staged a wonderful VIP party for all the filmmakers.  

filmmakers who stopped by the booth
Filmmakers who stopped by the booth
Pumpkins in the Fall

New York Accessory Show

Me at my booth at Accessory Show
So, I got home from the rodeos, rubbed the dirt off my jeans and began to prepare for the New York Accessory show at the Javitz Center in Manhattan.  This is a big event and has about 800 vendors.  It is huge! I drove down to set up with my daughter, Erica, who helped me lug all the elements of my booth down the aisles and to my appointed booth, which was, of course, near the back of the building-but at least it was near the food.  
My daughter, Debbie

My daughter, Erica
We set up the booth and this is the way it looked.   So I shared a booth with a guy who sold reading glasses and when I returned the next morning to start the show, there were tables and glasses everywhere!  You could hardly see my display!  Well after some heated exchanges, we came to a compromise, but I must tell you he was not too happy.  

Leah Kunkel
As the week wore on though, he softened his stance and even offered advice to me.  By the end of the show, we became friends and he even gave me a pair of reading glasses.  The show wasn't too busy, but I did gain a few customers, thanks to my friend, Yvonne, who is a convincing salesperson.  I owe all my new accounts to her! 

Here is a list of who helped me with pictures to match.  Two of my daughters, Erica and Debbie, Yvonne, Shara Kolodney and Connie Clark, two of my teacher friends from school, and Leah Kunkel, who is a friend of my daughters.